Round Steel Bar Weight Calculator, Iron Bar Weight per Foot & Meter

Steel Rod & Round Steel Bar Weight Calculator

To calculate the weight of the round steel bar or rod, first calculate the cross-sectional area of the round steel, then measure the length of the steel bar, multiply the two to calculate the volume of the round steel, and then multiply by the density of the metal to calculate the weight of the round steel bar or rod.

Therefore, the calculation formula of the steel rod & round steel bar weight = (πd²)/4 × L × ρ

  • π ≈ 3.1416
  • d = Diameter
  • L = Length
  • ρ = Density

Steel Rod and Round Steel Bar Weight Calculator

* Required


  • Enter the number “1” in the “Length” field to calculate the round steel bar weight per foot or meter.

Reference: Density of stainless steel

Derivation of the Calculation Formula

Weight of Round Bar (Solid Cylinder) Formula = Volume of round bar × Density of material.

  1. Volume of round bar = Cross-sectional Area × Bar Length
  2. Cross-sectional area of round bar = πr² = π(d÷2)² = πd² ÷ 4
  3. Volume of round bar = (πd²)/4 × L
  4. Weight of the round bar = (πd²)/4 × L × ρ

Note: r = radius.

Steel Bar Weight per Foot Calculator Formula

Steel Bar Weight per Calculation Formula = πd² ÷ 4 × L × ρ

= 3.1416 × d² ÷ 4 × 1 × ρ

= 3.1416 × (d÷12)² ÷ 4 × 490.06

= 3.1416 × d² ÷ 144 ÷ 4 × 490.06

= d²×3.1416×490.06÷144÷ 4

= d² × 2.673


  • Unit of diameter (d) is Inch, and the unit of length is Foot.
  • 1 inch = 1/12 foot.
  • Dendity of mild steel = 490.06 lb/ft3

Steel Bar Weight per Meter Calculation Formula

Steel Bar Weight per Meter Calculation Formula = πd² ÷ 4 × L × ρ

= 3.1416 × d² ÷ 4 × 1 × ρ

= 3.1416 × (d÷1000)² ÷ 4 × 7850

= 3.1416×d²÷1000²÷4×7850

= d²×3.1416×7850÷1000²÷4

= d² × 0.006165


d²×0.006165 = D2 × 1/(0.006165)-1

= d²/162.21


  • Unit of diameter (d) is mm, and the unit of length is Meter.
  • 1 mm = 1/1000 m.
  • Dendity of mild steel = 7850 kg/m3

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